৫ম শ্রেণি

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Class 5

(10 years old)

OurKids  is the center of early education in Mymensingh, which is approved special program. It is a high-quality, free and full day (for 6 hours and 30 minutes) program that is designed for 4-year olds to provide ample opportunities to acquire academic skills which eventually lead the children to succeed in kindergarten. Manhattan Nursery School has 2 classrooms with the total of 32 seats.

Skills that Children Will Learn

  • Develop self control and consideration for others when playing in activities
  • Experience confidence in myself and interest in learning
  • Learn to show appropriate behavior in situations
  • Develop self control and consideration for others when playing in activities
  • Experience confidence in myself and interest in learning
  • Learn to show appropriate behavior in situations
  • Develop self control and consideration for others when playing in activities
  • Experience confidence in myself and interest in learning
  • Learn to show appropriate behavior in situations
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